Welcome to Australian Wool Innovation, a hub for the woolgrowers of Australia.
Not a woolgrower? Looking for information about wool products, wool care or wool processing?
The Woolmark Company is the global authority on wool. Visit Woolmark.com instead.
Its mission is to deliver best-practice information and extension, and facilitate ongoing change towards more profitable and sustainable sheep and wool businesses in Tasmania.
Stay up-to-date with the latest Tasmanian sheep and wool industry events and information by subscribing to our popular e-newsletters that go to more than 600 Tasmanian sheep and wool growers.
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Here's what you told us! – The future of AWI Extension TAS

Check out the latest AWI Wool Market Report

The future of AWI Extension TAS – We need your feedback!

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AWI Repro Masterclass

Want the latest wool market data?

NEW pregnancy scanning resources

Wear Wool, Not Waste – 40 million views, and counting...

2024 WoolPoll result

AWI 2024 Annual General Meeting

AWI flagship one-day workshops

RECORDING AVAILABLE: Why stay in wool sheep?

UPCOMING: Sheep classing workshops

WEBINAR: Ask the AWI Chairman & Board

Your fibre. Your future. Your call.

Ready to shape the future? Join our Producer Advisory Panel

REGISTER NOW: Sheep eID – what's in it for me?

Why stay in wool sheep?

Get involved in AWI research projects!

RELAUNCHED: Making More From Sheep
AWI working for woolgrowers
AWI Extension TAS has a comprehensive range of more than 80 guides, fact sheets, checklists, online content, and other resources that support you and your business.
Topics include feed budgeting & nutrition, lamb marking & pain relief, weaner management, condition scoring, worms, flies & lice, footrot, sheep handling equipment, shearing sheds & yards, managing pest animals, genetics, breeding & selection, succession planning, drought & dry conditions, pasture, water, farm business management, and more.
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