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The future of AWI Extension TAS – We need your feedback!

Please take a moment to provide important feedback that is critical to securing future investment in AWI Extension TAS
Please take a moment to provide important feedback that is critical to securing future investment in AWI Extension TAS and the delivery of valuable, relevant and timely events and information, and go in the draw to win your choice of $500 towards a Heiniger EVO portable shearing plant, or a $500 BP fuel card!
Survey closes 9:00am, Tuesday 18 March 2025.
About the program:
AWI Extension TAS (a continuation of AWI Sheep Connect Tasmania) is Australian Wool Innovation's key investment in extension and communication for the Tasmanian wool and sheep industries. It's mission is to deliver best-practice information and extension, and facilitate ongoing change towards more profitable and sustainable wool and sheep businesses in Tasmania.
AWI Extension TAS delivers information via e-newsletters, hardcopy publications, workshops, field days, webinars, and online content, engaging with more than 4,500 wool and sheep growers during 2009–2025.
The current project engaged with more than 200 attendees at face-to-face events, including SimpliFly; Winning With Weaners; RAMping Up Repro; Anaesthetics, Analgesics & Animal Health; Sheep eID – what's in it for me?; AWI Repro Masterclass; and more.